Journal of Health Directories (JHD) is a high quality Medical Journal which accepts articles from areas like Medical Sciences. This journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct and scientifically motivated. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer-reviewed, open-access journal.   

Journal of Health Directories is a Bi- monthly peer reviewed medical journal and accepts articles from various disciplines like Medical Sciences. We publish articles with higher scientific values which will be helpful for healthcare professionals worldwide. The multidisciplinary approach of the journal aims to sensitize the researcher, academicians and students to facilitate evidence based practice in healthcare professionals.

We believe that scientific work done around the globe should be rapidly and freely made available to all researchers and healthcare professionals worldwide. 

Aim: To create, stimulate and perpetuate a culture of information sharing and publishing amongst researchers and other healthcare professionals across the globe. We aim to provide health information in the world. Our aim is to contribute to the availability of health information, a better understanding of the disease, health condition interventions, and its rationale, to improve health outcomes of the people on the continent. Scope: We publish original scientific research on clinical, public health, social, political, economic, and all other factors affecting the health of populations in all over the world

JHD aims to stimulate a healthy environment for researchers, academicians, students and clinical practitioners to share information and facilitate health promotion in the healthcare professionals worldwide to provide knowledge globally. Scope:  Our Scope is to improve the scientific literature in Medical Sciences.

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Aug- Sep

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